Monday, June 24, 2013

52 Weeks of Blogging with a Purpose: What I live for

1 my daughters...they are my life, my air, my everything!  Love these two girls with all my heart.
2 my hubby...I wouldn't have my girls without him, our house would be lost without him.  We have our disagreements but even when I am mad at him I still want him around.
3 my family...I am not sure what I would do without my sisters, brothers, father, nieces, nephews, in-laws, and the rest of my family.  I couldn't possibly ask for a more support group of people!  They are always there to do what they can in time of need!
4 my friends...I may not always have time for them and we don't always get a chance to talk or hang out as much as I'd like, I am so grateful to have such good friends in my life that I have met over the years.
5 Jackjack and Abigail Grace...these 2 pups, who found me when they needed a home and love, are my furbabies!  It started out just me and ole Jackjack, who was so skinny and was on his last couple days at the pound.  He has taught me so much and has always been happy to see me.  Abbygirl had a rough start to life but she found Jackjack and me and we taught her about being a family.  Their lives have changes over the years as our family grew but I live for them.
6 a knitter, you need yarn and I love my stash and in an emergency I would probably grab some as I ran out of the house.  After making sure my girls and dogs are safe first!
7 wool fiber...I love the smell of wool...yes I said it...I like the smell of sheep!  I like to spin it and play with it and generally spend time with fiber!
8 beach/pool...I have always lived close to the beach.  Even in San Fran where it was way too cold to go in...I enjoyed being around the water.  I like to hang out and listen to the waves and now that I am older watch my girl play in the sand.
9 vacation could anyone not live for vacations!  A maternity leave is no vacation even though you don't have to work it is a lot of work!  I live for having time off with my family and traveling! 
10 holidays especially CHRISTmas...along with vacations comes holidays!  I love them!  Time celebrating together with family!  I love that!  I especially love all the CHRISTmas festivities and decorations, songs, food, and the meaning of the season!

What do you live for? What could you not live without?


  1. Good question. I live to make a difference. I live for my family, my friends, and my darling fur-girls. I can't imagine life without them, or without my creative outlets.

  2. Hmm. There are so many things I feel that light me up. I would definitly say my love, Jeremy. He encourages me to continue to be creative and push me to new heights. My Reina Girl and of couse Lily Butt. Reina and I share the same excitment for life while Lily has taught me love comes in all sorts of packages. Family and Friends of course. Good food is up there. YARN and Knitting are a given. I have to knit daily, or at least spend some time on rav if my hands aren't up for it. I'm also going to say I live for that Friday feeling. I love my job as a school counselor, but nothing beats that moment when I get to greet my family at home, get out of work clothes, and have the whole weekend ahead of me.


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