So...a wonderful bloggy friend Rhonda from I'm Running to Win Too gave me a cute award:

Thank you Rhonda!! Since she has given me an award, for my Thankful Tuesday I'd like to pass on this award to a couple of blogs. If I had the time I would do my whole blog roll. Ok....this award goes to:
Paula from BassetKnitter. Who started Dogs on Thursday and you know I love dogs and love helping her with this site. :) Thank you Paula.
Devon from Evil Tuesday, who chats with me almost every day and is crazy right along with me. ;)
Nichole from Lapdog Creations, who shares my love of dogs and sends me fun doggie forwards to brighten my day.
Ally from Knittin' Baby, who found my blog and we started chatting and instantly became friends. Good luck with the haircut!! :)
Courtney from Confessions of a Knitter, has a great taste in sock patterns and Podcasts. She's become a fast friend recently.
Bea from Baa Baa Blacksheep, who also has some pretty cute puppies. ;)
And last but not least CynicalGal from Cynical Knitting Gal, who always has great comments and she has the cutest puppy Gracie who needs lots of loving right now.
I know there are tons of you out there who I would like to give this award if you're reading this assume that I'm giving this award to you too. :) I feel like I'm missing people. I even decided not to include all my folks from my SnB who deserve this award too...So...if you are from my SnB include yourself too. :)'s my Thankful Tuesday post a day late. Yesterday was pretty busy for me and I just didn't feel like posting. I sat down and thought about it but just ended up not posting. :)
Monday was a weird day too. Some of the girls for the SnB got together and knit for a couple hours it was fun. The rest of the day was just weird. Our Christmas Tree finally came down...I am thankful that it was a fake tree. :)
Thank you for all the supportive comments. My mood is getting better. I think there is just a lot on my plate and I have to keep reminding me of all the positives and not dwell on the negatives. I'll be out of town for a couple days at a conference with some of my sister's so should be fun.
Have a great day. I'll try to get up the Wedding Wednesday post today. :)
Happy Knitting!!
Awww... thanks!!!!!!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteAww, you are so kind! I think I will create a new award and keep passing it forward. We really appreciate your support...Gracie, Lehu, CKG (that's me), and the kitty cats.
ReplyDeleteAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *blushing* I'm so honored that you mentioned me on your blog :) You deserve it; enjoy. I still think your blog is loveable. If you want the other one, you know you can come get it too! *wink*
ReplyDeleteHow did I miss this! Thank you! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteI was coming back to tell you (in case I hadn't left a comment before!) that I had nominated you for a make my day award, when I saw this post.
See this post for your award-