Thursday, January 3, 2013

Baby Bump: 26 week update!

Week: 26 weeks 2 days
Weight gain: 26+ lbs but haven't weighted myself since apt.
Baby's sex: Another Team PINK!
Baby's name: The name has been decided but Special K wants to wait until the birth to announce this time.
Sleep: It's getting a bit better...still haven't trouble getting to bed at decent hour but I'm sleeping more soundly so that is helping a lot!
Movements: Still feeling her all the time! Thankfully!  She gets calmer in the morning hours or if I'm running around but then I feel little reminders that she's there. LOVE IT!  
Labor Signs:  None.
Maternity Clothes: Still wearing some of my pre-pregnancy jeans but mostly I've stuck to work out pants.  I also got my Blanqi support tank and can I just tell you I LOVE IT!!  You don't feel like you have anything extra on but the support it provides has been amazing!  I haven't had a lot of the issues I had been having.  Still get pains and sore at end of day but that is so much better than the belly tightening I was experiencing.
Big Sister Carmen:  I know I say this a lot but she is just the cutest thing ever!  She has really gotten that the baby is in my belly more lately.  She comes over and hugs my belly and needs to say good night to it before going to bed.  She has started singing more and she sings to her baby sister...I love it!  I'll try to get video but it's usually impromptu! 
Past couple weeks: With the holidays the past couple weeks, life has been busy!  With all the holiday plans and my MIL in town, we've kept busy but also managed to get lots of relaxing and knitting done!  It was too short but the holidays were refreshing!  My knitting mojo is back...check for post to come soon...and I just feel good!  It's weird I'm getting the boost at the end of my 2nd trimester but I'll take it whenever I can get it! 
Next Doctor's Visit: January 16th...also have my glucose test that day...yuck!
Looking forward to: Getting things in order the next couple months. Pulling out the newborn stuff and making sure everything is ready for this baby!
Todos: This weekend's baby todo is to find and sort through all the newborn-3 month clothes from Carmen and to clean and figure out where they will go.  We may start re-arranging the kids room but haven't figured out exactly what we are going to do yet.
Overall, enjoyed being pregnant over the holidays...really wanted a sangria New Years Eve but that's alright.  Life is good right now...I feel refreshed for the new year and am so excited that in 3 months we'll have another baby!!  I'm slightly nervous with the details of the next couple months but I'm excited for it all!

Thanks for reading another baby bump update!!

Happy Thursday! 

1 comment:

  1. So glad you found a solution to help with some of the ... side effects. Also love that Carmen is so into the baby! That's wonderful.


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