Thursday, January 22, 2009

A COLD Dogs on Thursday!!

So...we'll start today's post with a little bit of Abbs. I got home from work yesterday and was a bit shocked to see that half of Abby's mussel was swollen. It looked like a bug bite so I quickly gave her Benadryl and let them out back. She seems to act normal and run around and want to play. It still worried me so I decided to stay home and watch her. I was supposed to go to Knit night for the first time in a while but I felt watching her was a little more important. After about 30 minutes her face started looking normal. She's fine today. Speaking of our knit group, we are thinking of moving it to Thursday night because it's just been hard on a lot of people to show up on wed. And Abbs and I start our Obedience class next wed. I'm super excited!!

Ok...well..on to today! Today we woke up and it was cold!! As we went on our walk, we passed a lot of frost and poor people trying to warm up their car to get the ice off the windsheild. Us Floridians are not used to ice on our cars. :) I took these pics to show you. Not sure you can tell it's frosty. :)

So, when we got back from our walk, I let the pups out to romp in the yard and they were having too much fun chasing each other! It was cute. Oh, and ignore the neighbors yard.

When I wanted them to settle down, we practice some sit stays so mom could take a picture. :) They are do darn cute!!
Well, off to work I go! Hope you have a great day!

And just so you know. I'm obessed with reading the Twilight series at the moment and I'm head to the movie with my niece Surfer Girl and her mom Fleas tonight! I'll let you know how it goes!



  1. Happy pups! Abs all better this morning?

  2. Great picture of your two babes on a chilly morning. Chilly for Florida, anyway!

  3. HA

    That's what it looks like in November up here in OHIO

    Miss you guys........
    oh, and gnat and specialk too!

  4. Weel, I'm also reading Twilight the first one...
    No frost here just plain darn freezing cold. My pups can only be out a few minutes.
    Happy DOT

  5. Glad Abby is better today! What a great sit pic...they're so pretty! Well, handsome for Jackjack!:) Happy DOT! Can't wait to hear what you think about the movie!

  6. Hi to the doggies!

    I did the Twilight book/movie in reverse order. Saw the movie first then had to read the book, now on to the rest of the series. Have fun.

  7. Your pups look as frisky as Ginger does in this weather. I want to curl up with the cats. She wants to go outside and play. Ugh!

  8. Beautiful dogs, glad you liked the spotlight. TO get ready for agility have some basic voice control over you dog (sit, stay, down, and an enthusiastic recall). Also work on "targeting"-getting your dog to touch a plastic lid or something and eventually being able to send them at top speed to the target and have them stop there and hold the touch until you release them. Good luck-visit often!

  9. Your dogs are lovely! And they sure look very happy!

  10. That last shot is really cute! Glad Abby is better!!


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