Today I went to my first Pinellas Weavers and Spinners Guild's monthly spinning meet-up and I had such a great time. I met a bunch of wonderful woman and learned that they are a wealth of knowledge!! Many of them are snow birds, however, they are here long enough so I hope to get to know them all better. During this meet-up, I was asked if I would like to be the Spinning Chair for our guild and I agreed! I'm not sure exactly when my duties will begin but I'll find out more at the next meeting, which is next Saturday. So far I know I will be in charge of organizing our meet-ups and if I want to submit spinning articles to our newsletter. They said I could do as much as I want with the chair position. I'm excited to meet more members and to get to know more of the spinners.
We meet the first Saturday of every month at a member's house. This week was at a nice woman named Judy's house. There was a pretty big turn out. Was great to see.

I brought my wheel and worked on my hand dyed domestic wool I showed you in the last post. I'm spinning it as thin as I can and I'm loving how it's turning out. Another Judy at our group, who sat next to me said that it looks very citrusey. And she's so right!

I really enjoyed the meet-up and I look forward to next weeks meeting, which I've volunteered to help set up for our Annual Market Sale which I hear is pretty awesome! I'm excited because I heard a woman at the meet-up say she was bringing some fleeces from her daughter's sheep. I'm going to look a those. I'm wanting to get my hands on a fleece soon so I can start spinning for a contest for Spin-off magazine. It's call
All Wrapped up in Natural Fiber and you have to process your own fiber, spin it, and then knit up a scarf. If I can find a fleece I can afford then I am hoping to work on a project to send in.
On to Knitting! Yes, I have been knitting monogamously on my Entrelac socks. I bound off the cuff last night for the first one and quickly cast on the 2nd toe. I'm hoping to finish these this week before Sock Madness starts! I'm loving how they are coming out. There are a couple holes but that's ok. None too noticeable. I showed them off a the spinning meet-up for show and tell and got good comments. :)

Well, I'm off to knit a bit since I've spun most the day before we head to dinner with SK's step family. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Happy Spinning and Knitting!
PS...Abby's daddy gave her a bath today and she smells so good..and is clean so she gets lots of loving from me. She's been bringing in a lot of pollen and it hasn't been helping my breathing but I sure do love her. :)
The sock looks awesome! And congrats on being nominated to Chair. I think that's great.
ReplyDeleteHappy that spinning is really taking off for you.
Lucky will be having a bath tomorrow. It's going to be 70 March. Go figure.
Oh my...the sock is GORGEOUS!!!!!! You go girl!!!
ReplyDeleteI sure do love the sock, and the color of your current spinning project too. Hope you can find the fleece you are hoping for.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful sock. Congrats on the chair position.
ReplyDeleteWow, the weavers guild looks packed. Sounds like you had a blast. Congrats on the sock. You are prolific.
ReplyDeleteThe socks and spinning look great! :-)
ReplyDeleteLove that sock!!!
ReplyDeleteOMG - LOVE that sock!
ReplyDeleteHey don't forget your MIL up here in Ohio has very cold feet and would LOVE to wear a pair of your lovely socks.
ReplyDeleteJust throwing that out there.....
miss you guys............terribly