Happy Dogs on Thursday!! Hope everyone is having a great week! I've still got my nose stuck in the Sookie Stackhouse books but I'm almost done with this book 7 and then I'll get book 8 done and be able to knit more! :)
Since this week's DOT post is about Jackjack, I figured I'd share some pictures of Abigail Grace. She is the silliest dog EVER!! She just wants to be near yuo and will find the most interesting places to lay down and it's usually as close to you or under your foot. :) Here is Abby laying near her daddy while he watches some football.

Waiting for her daddy to come out of the bathroom.

So, remember when I started the Personal Challenge? I was challenging myself to put down the needles and yarn and go out and exercise....well...I did a great job for a while and then it sort of got lost. Lately I've been trying to get out and take the dogs on longer walks. Tonight for the 2nd time this week, my sister Fels and I took the dogs for about an hour walk. It was great to chat away and get out and walk. I'm hoping I can at least go on these hour walks four times a week. It's getting darker earlier so for the after work walks it's really nice when I can get Fels to go with me. I would be looking over my shoulders too much if I went by myself. Yes, I realize I have two big dogs with me who would both at least protect me some but it's still nice to have someone there to keep you moving.
Well...since I have been walking and reading instead of knitting, my knitting progress has been slow. I have a LOT of WIPs! It's crazy how I went from a 2 project person 2 years ago and now I'm a cast on willy nilly. :)
I hope everyone is having a great week. Please go over and check out my post on
DOT. I'm sorry it went up so late but the day just flew by.
She is just so cute!