At the softball game, I had been sitting and being very conscious of our surroundings and keeping him away from most of the other dogs until right about half way through the game when this lady and her little dog come walking right up to us and I quickly get up and walk away. Now...I don't know if I'm wrong but if you see someone get up and walk away with their dog then you assume the dog is not as social and doesn't accept greeting. Well...the woman decides to sit right where all my stuff was and especially my knitting. I kind of wait her out but she doesn't move to let me grab my stuff. I decide I'm going in for my knitting!! So...I grab Jackjack get a little closer and made him lay down. He does it and is calm. Then we get closer and the dog comes over to greet and I try to retreat as Jackjack barrels towards the poor dog. I felt bad but I'm just trying to get my stuff.
Again the lady doesn't move away so I can grab my stuff instead she sits right in front of it and puts the dog on her lap. UGH. So, I end up having to go in and grab my stuff but as I was leaving Jackjack the bad dog that he is lunged at the dog...by the way while all this is happening Jackjack is waging his tail. If you know about dogs then you know if a dog is going to hurt another one there is NO warning it just happens and the tail is never waging happily. But I also know that other owners are not happy when dogs act like that and have a big bark. So...I grab him and walk off with my stuff finally. I then proceed to make Jackjack lay down on his side and relax. These kids that he had never met then came over and pet him and pretty much laid on top of him. They were not scared and neither was I. He is a nice dog. They pulled on him and he just laid there and took it all in. I just wish he would get over the need to growl and bark at the poor little dog that was sitting there. If they were at the dog park, Jack wouldn't even give the small dog a second thought. Ugh...my Jackjack. I guess he will be staying home from the softball games for a while. My first thought was I should have brought treats and used this as a lesson but I didn't have anything yummy on me. No one was hurt but I was a tad embarrassed of my Jackjack. Life goes on.

Sorry this post is a day late but this week has been insane. I have another story for you that I'm hoping to get up today but we will see.
Happy Dogs on Thursday on Friday!!
YOu may be amazed at what comes back. Matt's mom did it for her dogs (including Jasper who she lost in Dec) and it was a HUGE list... if she'd had known beforehand, she may've been able to keep Jasper healthier longer too - scary!
ReplyDeleteAbby looks so so sweet. Our Ozzy was allergy tested (because he was bald) and they found 28(!) things. We had him tested for everything because switching food and litter hadn't helped.
ReplyDeleteYour JackJack is crazy. Thats how Abby is on a lease but she's more controled without one. Go figure.
Well, Jackjack is just being his doggy self. I'd say that lady's major fault was sitting by YOUR KNITTING!! ;)
ReplyDeleteAs for Abigail Grace, I'd say that cuddling with her daddy looks like a wise choice. Cute guy. The vet told me to give Benedryl to Max for his allergies--it helps!~
Btw, as far as Jackjack... all dogs can have some minor issues like that... don't worry about it. That woman should have been smart enough (and responsible enough) to paid attention and not sat right next to your stuff... beeatch!
ReplyDeleteI know people might be against this, but have you thought of a shock collar to correct him during his bad behavior, after a while you wont even need to use it and he will learn. As you tell him no you can also give a low level shock. My dogs have to wear bark collars and they are angels when they have it on.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with Abigail's allergy testing.
ABner does the same thing, he's the nicest dog in the whole world, but has a ferocious bark!
ReplyDeleteI hope things turn out for the best. Poor baby.
ReplyDeletePeople are terrified on Black dogs. My Magnus is a big baby and my daughters and neices all climb on him. I have to put him away when the neighbors come over b/c they are terrified of him:(
ReplyDeleteHe has never done anything they think he is scary b/c of his bark:(
My petsitter loves him and can not imagine anyone being scared of him. Of course Magnus loves him!
THREE weeks?! That's insane. Love the photos this week. I agree with Pooch; Jackjack wasn't being unreasonable!
ReplyDeleteJackJack was just being who he is! Our Katie has a 'tude but being little I can keep her pretty much under control. Love the pic of Abby and her dad!
ReplyDeletePoor Jackjack, he just wants to play...he knows not that he is no longer a wee pup.
ReplyDeleteAnd, it's great you are looking at allergies for Abigail Grace...part of the problems Gracie had before included allergic issues. Good on ya!
I was interested to see you're doing the allergy testing because we're getting ready to do that with our golden. His skin is just horrible and we have tried everything under the sun. Good luck to you!