Friday, August 1, 2008

Week recap. no knit pics but they are coming...

Hey everyone!! Sorry I've been a blogging slacker. I've just been super busy at work and haven't been spending much time on my computer outside of work. I've spent a lot of time knitting and with my pups and Special K. I did manage to get a podcast up last weekend...and am planning on getting another one up Sunday.

I've been setting some knitting goals and I joined the Ravelympics, which I'll try to post about and share some cool ravatars I created. I'm on Team Bob.

Well, for this quick week recap post I figured I'd share some pictures of my desk at work. :) You have to understand that I used to work at an animation studio and had my desk FULL of toys and paraphernalia. (love that word) So, I have brought a couple but have toned it down. So, here we go...tour of the desk.

Starting from is my line up of Pixar characters! Oh yes, my favorites. I have more of these but these guys made the cut. The box is from two summers ago when I was teaching summer school.

Next up is mid desk. Yes, if you notice I have two monitors. I LOVE TWO MONITORS. I'll share what is on my screen in a bit. The silver thing is something Special K made in one of his machining classes. I thought it was really cool. Then there is my favorite army dude...and you guessed it...another Pixar toy!!!

Then on further left. We have a picture of Special K and my babies!! And this cool flower pens that I created for my desk in my classroom so the kids couldn't steal them. :)

Then here is my cool bamboo plant that was given to me my first day. I LOVE these little water balls...I like to play with them...they absorb back the water that gets evaporated. It's cool.
And last but not least I have this picture as my wallpaper because who could resist the site of them two. I love to look at them to get a good smile. It took a lot to get them to lay there and sit for awhile. :) off to finish up some stuff before I head out. Take care.



  1. When I worked my desk was similar to yours, always cool toys and what was that word... para (can't spell it, LOL)

    And now with that screen saver the babies can sit still endlessly.

  2. ahh, the last pic rules! have a great weekend!

  3. That is a very cute picture :-)

  4. Very nice desk flare. (See Office Space)
    Great pics of the kiddies too!
    Glad work is going well even though it's busy.


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